Weekly Forecast for Aug 5 – 11, 2018

Hello again!

I’m so excited because this is my first reading for you here on my brand new blog! Yes, I realize I missed the start of the week by a couple of days, but to my defense, I just put this up last night so I’m still kind of catching up a bit. But, after this week, you can expect a general weekly reading every Sunday.

For my weekly readings, I like to do the 3 card spread, unless there is a big event coming up and I need a whole bunch of details – then I’ll do something more elaborate! But, since we’re for the most part pretty unsure about what’s coming up in the week ahead, the 3 card spread is perfect. And, just as a heads up – I tend to lay them out in the ‘me/you, challenge, outcome’ perspective.

Learn about it here, if you’re unfamiliar!

Okay! So, let’s dig in. For this week, I pulled the 7 of Cups, the 10 of Swords, and the Knight of Cups reversed. Right off the bat, I can see that we are dealing with a bit of emotion this week (2 cups cards!).

Tarot Spread, Tarot Card Meanings, Weekly Reading
Weekly Tarot Reading for August 5-11, 2018. 7 of Cups, 10 of Swords, and Knight of Cups, Reversed.

The 7 of Cups signifies that you may be faced with some pretty significant decision-making. You have a lot of options ahead of you this week, maybe pulling you in a number of different directions. If you notice on the card, there are some that look pretty nice (like the jewelry!) and some that are a little scary. Some may be authentic to you while others may be for show for someone else. Regardless of what you have in front of you, you’re going to have to decide something here soon.

With the 10 of Swords as your challenge, you are going to have to commit to one thing and in doing so, you’ll have to face the consequences of your decision. This may mean cutting off other areas, betraying someone, giving up on something or even ending something. This could apply to jobs, properties, partners, classes, puppies at the shelter – whatever! Once you make the decision, you must commit and deal with the consequences of it. And, if you think about it, it really is a challenge to do that! I know that for me, I am always left spiraling around the “what if’s” and “should-a, would-a, could-a’s”!

Now, with the Knight of Cups reversed as your outcome, you may be having a little trouble moving past the challenges of your situation. This is where the spiraling kicks in for me. You may be more likely to feel jealous of whomever chose what you cast aside (and how much fun they’re having with it that you’re obviously not having now), regretting your decisions, and are likely to be in a funk over it all. It’s totally normal! But, there is a fix to something like this.

When you’re faced with a big decision, you need to really take time to think reasonably about all the angles involved. Too often, we get overwhelmed in choices and details, so we’re more inclined to throw our hands in the air and impulsively choose whatever feels right at the time. Then, when the dust settles, we’re left questioning our choices and wishing we hadn’t or that we could go back and do it all over again.

Impulsive choices often lead to regret (most of the time). So, this week, consider the importance of your decision, how it will affect you and those you love and care about, what it will mean for your future, what it will mean in your present. Weigh out the pros and cons on all sides and, if you can, move forward when you completely understand what all is at stake and when you feel confident (or as close to it as you can) in your decision.

There will always be some wonder surrounding what might have been, but as long as you feel assured in your own reasoning, it will be easier for you, and any other party involved, to move on from it.

And, you know what? You can always do a spread of your own to help simplify and clarify any area of your problem you need help developing. If you need any help with that, let me know!

So, have you noticed this in your week thus far? How will you respond to the choices you’re faced with? Did you interpret this spread differently? How’d I do? Let me know!


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